The artist duo of Stef Stagel and Steffen Schlichter, alias ststs, were guests at Lichtenberg Studios for just under a week in August 2013. The focus of their intensive working residence was exploration of the district, starting out from the Viktoriastadt neighbourhood and going as far as Karlshorst, Herzberge and Malchow. Long walks brought them to cultural and political landmarks such as the former headquarters of the Stasi or the former Soviet military headquarters, the Klingenberg power plant or the Dong Xuan Center, and also led to the discovery of locations that they found to be interesting even though they are not generally considered to be remarkable. A visit to the Lichtenberg Museum located on the floors below the studio spaces proved helpful here, as it provided very interesting background information on local history for the artists’ explorations. Stef Stagel documented these walks by taking Polaroid photos.
Steffen Schlichter searched for points of reference for bringing his works with adhesive tape out into the urban space; he eventually carried out these works in a relatively concentrated area in the Rummelsburg neighbourhood.
These adhesive pieces with simple Aluband tape and the reflective layer created in this way aimed to produce minor perceptive irritations in the form of a type of “optical erasing” of banal objects or simple restructuring of selected surfaces.