Current (Dezember 2014)

Veranstaltungen Lichtenberg Studios Dezember 2014

Freitag, 12. Dezember um 20 Uhr
Lichtenberg Studios
Türrschmidtstr. 24, 4. Stock
Artist Talk mit Stephen Hall und LiLi Ren

Stephen Hall (Dublin, Ireland) and LiLi Ren (Shandong, China) are an artistic duo who began working together in the mid 2000’s. Recent works have included the “Fourth Plinth Munich“ as part of A Space Called Public, curated by Elmgreen & Dragset, Munich 2013, and “Unreal Socialism“, Chinese Video and Performance Art, at Cul De Sac London 2013.

LiLi Ren is currently studying for an MA in Fine Art Sculpture/moving image at the Royal College of Art London. Stephen is a graduate of the Slade School London and of the Städelschule Frankfurt am Main.
They live and work in London.

Stephen Hall and LiLi Ren will talk about their practice which involves public art, performance, curating, architecture, writing and fashion. With photographs and video screening.

During this residency we will devise an intervention or performance specific to the immediate environment.
In the past we have used performance to discuss paradoxical, provocative and extreme positions in the form of fictional causes and campaigns. Using humor and controversy has been effective in starting a dialogue
with the public on a range of themes. We hope to engage directly with the public through this intervention and to create photogrpahic and audio visual documentation of the event.

December, 2014