Current July 2013

Veranstaltungen Lichtenberg Studios Juli 2013

8. Juli um 19 Uhr

Türrschmidtstr. 24, 4. Stock


Vortrag und Diskussion zu ihrer Arbeit

Ji und Yin aus Thailand wohnen vom 15. Juni bis 15. Juli in den Lichtenberg Studios, erkunden den Bezirk und werden zum Ende ihres Aufenthaltes in Aktion treten.

Ji,  born in Rajburi, 1969, obtained MFA in sculpture from Silpakorn University, Thailand. Yin, born in Chiang Mai, 1968, obtained MA in Metalwork from Royal College of Art, UK. Since 2002 Jiandyin are interdisciplinary collaborative artists. Their work focus on creating situation  to construct relationships between human and human in relation to his/her social context. In 2010, they initiated an ongoing project “Dialogue: Seeing and Being”, an interactive performance that invite audience to participate by drawing portraits for them at many public spaces in New York and San Francisco, followed by a sub-project “We are Going to Taipei”, 2012 that included visiting participants homes for documenting where they placed their portraits. Jiandyin were awarded a fellowship grant from the Asian Cultural Council in 2009 and were artists in residence at Headlands Center for the Arts San Francisco ,International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) NY 2010, Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan 2012. Civitella Ranieri center, Umbria Italy. Since 2011, They create many community platforms for contemporary art and culture development and Found NongpoKIDdee work group for community children in their home town, Rajburi, Thailand. In curatorial practice, they curated a Nongpo Short Film Festival 2011-2013, co-curated THAI TAI : A Measure of Understanding project, Bangkok-Taipei 2012-2013, the METRO SAPIENS : Dialogue in the cave 2013. They have exhibited internationally: REACTIVATION, 9th Shanghai Biennale. The Exotika 2013, Bangkok-Berlin. 14th Asiatopia international performance art festival, Bangkok. 5th OK Video FLESH  Indonesia International Video Festival, Jakarta, etc. They currently live and work in Rajburi,Thailand

July, 2013