Rouzbeh Rashidi, Lecture

Rouzbeh Rashidi will be a guest at Lichtenberg Studios in September and will give a lecture on his artistic work. 23 September 2021 at 7pm a lecture in English on his artistic cinematic work.

The Homo Sapiens Project (HSP) is the distillation and in some ways the culmination of my experimental film practice. I have always been committed to making deeply personal, formally experimental work that erases the boundaries between alienated subjective perception and the inexhaustible mysteriousness of the moving image. I consider cinema (in the broadest sense of the word) as a laboratory and my audiovisual works as experiments using my own perception and inner life as a “reagent”. I start my work with sound and image and intuitively work outwards on ideas. I generally refrain from writing scripts and view the process of making moving images as exploration rather than illustration. My work is closely related to film history.” (Rouzbeh Rashidi)

HSP will one day produce 1,000 short films. In its entirety, this will be a unique project: not a filmed life, but filmmaking as a parallel to life and a parallel life; a “thinking through” of cinema that pushes the limits of the medium to the extreme that can encompass an artist’s practice.

Rouzbeh Rashidi (born 1980 in Tehran) is an Iranian-Irish filmmaker. He has been making films since 2000, at which time he founded the Experimental Film Society in Tehran.

September, 2021