Lorena Ruiz Pellicero

Lorena Ruiz Pellicero

When I arrived at Lichtenberg I found on the street a connect the dots drawing in the public shelfbook in front of the studio. Instinctively, I started drawing over the map of the Lichtenberg neighborhood, trying to simplify its form to the minimum expression.

Then, I looked for the coordinates of these dots on Google Maps. Instead of walking around looking for things that caught my eye, I decided to leave this choice to the geography of the map and its supposed randomness. I went exactly to each of these 15 locations at the map’s borders and photographed what I found there. In most of them, I found either natural or artificial barriers: walls, railways, roads, forests, fences, etc. It is as if the form of the map determines the landscape or the other way around.

December, 2024