Eight artists will meet in the Berlin district of Lichtenberg for five days, taking as their starting points a format often used in universities and a range of tasks that are to be completed in a short period of time and which include discussions, lectures, presentations and group processes. Over this time, all the participants will develop and implement interventions in public space that do not require permits. The result is not an exhibition in the traditional sense, but rather a bundle of direct artistic interventions along with four public evening events (two discussion groups with Zdravka Bajovic and Maren Richter, and a subsequent presentation of the projects that have been realised). As a second step, the works created can be publicised in brochures that are available free-of-charge all over Lichtenberg.
All the artists involved in this project develop intervention models for urban space by detecting, using and transforming pre-existing structures and thus questioning the way we deal with urban architecture, everyday culture and social conditions in a manner that may be either subtle or not so subtle, and is sometimes humorous too! They search for and find inconsistencies in the systems of order, gaps and niches, and make it possible to examine these in a targeted manner with the aid of artistic interventions. However, the approaches they take are very different and highly individual – ranging from conceptual, performance-based, participatory and ephemeral works through to temporary or permanent sculptural works. The task for all participants is to develop and implement an idea in five days. The large spectrum of working approaches will ensure lively discussions on this subject.