Alan Perez (Gibraltar) July

Max Sudues (Berlin) September

Gibraltar Cultural Services on behalf of The Government of Gibraltar and Lichtenberg
Studios is pleased to announce the Gibraltar – Berlin artist in residence exchange
program for artists working in any medium interested in developing their work in urban
public spaces.

Lichtenberg Studios offer artists from all over the world the opportunity to live and work in
an interesting district in former East Berlin to obtain their own impressions of Berlin and the
city’s art scene. The residency is aimed at artists, writers, architects and other professionals
interested in the discourse of art in urban spaces. The guiding principle is the idea of
intervening in the district with low-threshold projects: starting with the tourist-like behavior
of the resident artists, who will explore the district as researchers or simply as curious observers,
and extending right through to the realization of concrete projects in public spaces
in Lichtenberg.
With ‚projects‘, we are referring to small-scale, mostly unobtrusive interventions that will
generally take place without being announced in advance and will appear natural and
spontaneous. This strategy is based on an approach dating back to the 1970s: in which art
is seen as an integral part of life rather than something distant and mythical elevated onto
pedestals. Lichtenberg Studios intends to help focus the attention of the artists-in-residence
on the district of Lichtenberg itself, its history, architecture, its inhabitants and their

Lichtenberg Studios is a project organised by: Intervention Berlin e.V. in cooperation with Berlin-
Lichtenberg’s Arts and Cultural Office.
This Residency is financed and supported by: The Government of Gibraltar, Ministry of Culture.

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August, 2016